Rosemary Heath Searching for Restaurant to Host Fundraiser
Rosemary Heath is looking for a restaurant that would be willing to host her annual fundraiser this year.
Since Bertucci's in Taunton closed this past Spring, I have been unable to find a restaurant that would host my November/December George Heath Superhero Scholarship Fundraiser. I chose Bertucci's because it's where we had our last team effort, where We Both Stood Up, to save someone else from harm. George lost his life. I would like to find another restaurant to assist in this fundraiser. My upcoming kidney donation is going to limit my efforts, so I would love to get this settled by 9/15, otherwise, I will not be able to do one this year. Donations of Baskets and gift certificates are greatly appreciated, as well as direct donations to GNBVT.
Rosemary would like to keep this fundraiser in the Greater New Bedford area. Any restaurant available to do a Dine-For-Dollars with raffles, please either message Rosemary on facebook or call 774-240-0505.