Shady Question 1 TV Ad Unwarranted [PHIL-OSOPHY]
In Massachusetts, a ton of money is being invested into defeating Question 1, the Right to Repair Law that was first passed in 2012.
Because of a loophole, auto manufacturers are limiting access to data needed to fix your car by your neighborhood mechanic. Plus, these Goliaths of industry are slamming the brakes on making it possible for your mechanic to even diagnose a problem or perform regular maintenance. That alone I find to be unjustified and underhanded, but then they oil your wheels by using dishonest scare tactics to mislead the voting public by stating sexual predators could use the data to stalk their victims.
The ad tries to throw fear and anxiety into voters and implies if you vote no on 1, you'll be much safer. It's wrong and disingenuous when these opponents have to strategize their campaign around catchy deceptions, but the auto manufacturers themselves also lose luster by allowing a message like this to represent what they stand for.
I try my best not to tell anyone how they should vote, but I'm more than willing to say how I voted on an issue and give you my reasoning behind it.
On Question 1, I will vote "yes" to guarantee that our local mechanics continue to maintain access to the technology they'll need in order to repair our clunkers, but also because I want to send a message to the creative campaign geeks that it really wasn't necessary to get their hands dirty on this one.
Phil Paleologos is the host of The Phil Paleologos Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @PhilPaleologos. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.