DNRT Unveils New Ocean View Farm Reserve Trail in Dartmouth
If you need to shake up your beach-routine with the kids, try taking them out for a hike, instead. This past Saturday, July 14th, the Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust (DNRT) opened it's newest set of hiking trails, Ocean View Farm Reserve. After purchasing and protecting the land last August, the Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust in partnership with the Buzzard's Bay Coalition, were finally able to unveil the 60 acres of wildlife habitat.
While the Ocean View Farm land sprawls over 115 acres, the northern 55 acres are protected farmland owned by nonprofit, working farm Round the Bend Farm. Ocean View Reserve overlooks Allen's Pond and is easily accessible from 28 Allen's Neck Road (map here). Once you hit the trailhead right off of the parking lot, you'll walk toward's "Malcom's Field". Stand on top of the observation deck for one of the best views in town!
“Malcolm’s Field” is being maintained for grassland birds, primarily bobolinks. These and many other grassland birds are declining throughout Massachusetts due to habitat loss and changes in farming practices. The coastal habitat found at Ocean View Farm is also vitally important for migratory songbirds, many of whom use the coastline as a migratory “flyway.” Native coastal shrubs such as elderberry, bayberry, sumac, and cedar provide an important food source for these hungry travelers, who also need a place to rest along the way.
Need some a day with a bit more shade? Hit one of DNRT's other 16 trails for a trip that's perfect for your family. Please note that not all trails allow dogs or horses and you should check before going.