
Fairhaven Finally Fixes Awkward Traffic Flow by Oxford School
Fairhaven Finally Fixes Awkward Traffic Flow by Oxford School
Fairhaven Finally Fixes Awkward Traffic Flow by Oxford School
I've lived on the SouthCoast for decades, and for years I've always wondered about the extremely awkward traffic flow in front of the Oxford School.  Honestly, I've never seen anything like it.  I'm not sure who could look at the traffic flow in front of the Oxford School and say, "Yup, that's perfect.  That sh...
Bourne Bridge Construction Reaches Phase Three
Bourne Bridge Construction Reaches Phase Three
Bourne Bridge Construction Reaches Phase Three
If your daily commute to the Cape has become unbearable in the past month or so, there is hope. The United States Army Corps of Engineers of New England announced last night that they were able to shift ongoing work to the Bourne Bridge to Phase 3...

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