Massachusetts lawmakers voted along party lines to have you, the voting public, determine the destiny of the dumb "millionaire tax" on next year's ballot.
The truth is the 'millionaire tax' is actually a graduated income tax that no doubt will become the 'thousandaire tax' when they run out of money again.
Here they come again! Massachusetts lawmakers, looking to make an already unfriendly business climate even less friendly is once again targeting business from all angles.
In just the next week your state reps. and senators are likely to advance the so-called "millionaires tax" that would sock high income earners with a 4 percent surtax supporters say could generate another 1...
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The Massachusetts Legislature is one step closer to taxing the rich to fund the state.
Wednesday's Joint Constitutional Convention had legislators voting 135-57 in favor of enacting a 4% surtax on Massachusetts residents earning more than $1 million a year...