Student Suspended For Saying “Bless You” [VIDEO]
How would you react if a teacher threw you out of class for saying "bless you" to a classmate who just sneezed? The so-called separation of church and state has turned, for some, into a separation from reality and common good. Kendra Turner, a good high school student in Dyersburg, Tenn. was asked to get out of the class because she violated the teacher's ban on the words bless you!
She wrote about her ordeal on Facebook and was then noticed by blog and then it just went viral. When Kendra was tossed out of her class and sent to the principal's office, things went from bad to really bad! Kendra told her school that it was good manners to say bless you and that her pastor told her she has a constitutional right to say it. The assistant principal disagreed with Kendra and her pastor, saying maybe her pastor should teach her because her freedom of speech and thoughts on religion don't work at Dyer County High School.
Watch the video and tell me afterwards if this isn't Alice in Wonderland, when it comes to separating church and state and how far we have fallen down that rabbit hole!