[RICHARD] O’Connell’s Bid For Permanent Sales Tax Free Weekend Defeated By House Democrats
This year's sales tax free weekend may have already met the ash heap as
Massachusetts House Democrats have voted to send the idea off to a study committee.
At the last minute last Summer, lawmakers, concerned about the potential impact on the budget of giving you a tax break, decided to skip the sales tax free weekend. Didn't hurt them at the polls one bit, though many of you groused about the lost chance to save 6.25 percent at your favorite retail store. In fact between then and now lawmakers saw fit to raise their pay, not once but twice. No worry about how that might impact the bottom line.
Massachusetts shoppers have been able to shop tax free for one weekend almost every August for at least the last dozen years. Lawmakers hate the practice because it gives them less of your money to spend on foolishness you might not necessarily approve of. Retailers love the economic boost it provides during an otherwise slow time of year. Consumers show up in droves, not because they are really saving all that much but because it's a way to say, "screw you" to the thieves on Beacon Hill.
State Rep. Shaunna O'Connell (R-Taunton) introduced an amendment to the budget this year that would have made the sales tax free weekend a permanent fixture each August. It was sent to committee, the graveyard for legislation not liked by the Democrat leadership.
State Rep. Geoff Diehl (R-Whitman) introduced an amendment that would have established a meals tax free weekend each March. That was defeated outright. Maybe because Diehl has the audacity to think about challenging The Bay State's Queen Of Shrill, Elizabeth Warren or maybe because the Democrats think you really shouldn't get a break. After all, someone has to fund their big pay raises, right?
When elected officials put their bank accounts ahead of your best interests it is time for a revolution. We need badly to drain the Massachusetts swamp but, we can't do it unless qualified people step up and are ready to serve. You can't "throw the bums out" if they have no opponents.
Call, text, e-mail or write your delegation and demand lawmakers approve a permanent sales tax free weekend and vote to support a meals tax free weekend as well.
Editor's Note: Barry Richard is the afternoon host on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from Noon-3pm. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.