Expect to see lots of big-screen TVs rolling out of Massachusetts retailers this weekend. That is, unless everyone already bought one with their stimulus check.
Any last minute hope of reviving a sales tax free weekend this year has apparently fizzled. Governor Charlie Baker proposed legislation this week to waive the state's 6.25 percent sales tax the weekend of August 19-20 but lawmakers have balked...
The Massachusetts Legislature is expected to initiate discussions tomorrow on whether or not to revive the popular sales tax free weekend.
Most every year since 2004, with the exception of 2009 and last year, lawmakers have granted a reprieve of the 6...
This year's sales tax free weekend may have already met the ash heap as
Massachusetts House Democrats have voted to send the idea off to a study committee.
At the last minute last Summer, lawmakers, concerned about the potential impact on the budget of giving you a tax break, decided to skip the sales tax free weekend...