Patience Is a Form of Action [PHIL-OSOPHY]
Receiving cards and letters from fans is part of the joy of being a talk-show host. Without opening them, I've gotten pretty accurate about predicting the poison pen letters from the others. The really foul and offensive ones usually have no return address on them and are never signed. If you want to be in my business, you have to learn how to face unpleasant, rude and X-rated criticism. After reading it, I have to come to a conclusion: toss it into "File 13," or ask if the writer had a relevant point hidden somewhere deep within the gross language of that dispatch?
But then, to offset the switchblades, I hear from peeps with living souls. Such is the letter sent in by Bill B., complimenting me on having patience "with that gentleman named John, the alleged political analyst." He's referring to former Fox News political insider John LeBoutillier, a regular guest who appears on the show twice weekly. John is a "never-Trumper" Republican who can't understand why I, and people of like mind, would ever support the blasphemous, foul-mouthed, discourteous president.
Bill B. writes, "Personally my view is that he was overwhelmingly rude to you in his "talking down" to you with his lofty falsehoods of President Trump being a "Russian stooge." Bill continues by skillfully challenging and refuting John's talking points, that you can listen to here:
This piece has a dual purpose. I personally thank Bill B. for taking the time to write an intelligent letter that communicated his feelings soundly. It meant a lot. I also want to briefly explain that over the years on the air, I've learned that patience is the acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind.
Phil Paleologos is the host of The Phil Paleologos Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @PhilPaleologos. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.