Ever get the feeling there are folks working to make sure you cannot have an AK-47? They seep out of the woodwork, like bugs, after slaughters where it's believed an AK-47 was used. Case in point, the Las Vegas massacre.

We're told Stephen Paddock had 23 high powered guns in his hotel room. Some rifles appeared to be converted for potential machine gun use. Now citizens and political leaders are working the gun control legislation angle. One listener tells me civilians have no use for these weapons of mass destruction. If folks are coming after my family and me with an AK-47, I have a desperate need for one. Why can't I have the same type of gun for legal protection?

Editor’s Note:  Brian Thomas is the host of Brian’s Beat on 1420 WBSM New Bedford.  He can be heard weekdays from 10am-Noon and Saturdays from 6am-9am.  The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

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