Mayor Bloomberg Isn’t Backing Down from a Fight [OPINION]
Mike Bloomberg didn't become a billionaire by backing down from a fight. He didn't build an international business because he is a quitter.
It was a rough night in Las Vegas for all of the Democrats running for president, but some of them may not yet realize it.
As weird as it seems given the reviews of the Democratic Party debate, the winner of the night may turn out to be Michael Bloomberg. He has been given a license to strike each of his opponents based on the way they treated him in the debate. His campaign can say "they started it" and comfortably point to the media clips of the evening.
Michael Bloomberg is a smart person and he has assembled a tremendous team of experts around him. He has more resources available to him than any other candidate running for president has ever had in the modern era. He has also spent millions of his own personal funds electing Democrats and supporting single-issue advocacy groups on matters like gun control and global warming.
Bloomberg has the ability to communicate directly to the voters all the great things he has done to help Democrats and the issues that matter to them and that he has the skills and the ability to be president. Then he can point to all the horrible things his opponents said about him.
Then he can unload a barrage of negative advertising on each of his opponents.
Before he was attacked at the debate, Mayor Bloomberg would have looked like a bully attacking his primary opponents. Warren and Biden drew first blood.
Michael Bloomberg has been placed in the position of being able to destroy his opponents while saying they gave him no choice.
Chris McCarthy is the host of The Chris McCarthy Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @Chris_topher_Mc. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.