The twice-deported illegal immigrant charged with killing Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson and another man in a drunk driving crash on Sunday could face ten years in federal prison on the immigration charges alone.  That matter will be settled after he is tried on four felony counts related to the accident.

Manuel Orrego-Savala, 37, has been arraigned on two counts of failing to remain at the scene of an accident and two counts of causing death while operating a vehicle above the legal alcohol limit. Orrego-Savala, a Guatemalan native, is also facing charges in a federal criminal complaint with illegal re-entry of a previously deported alien.

Jackson and 54-year-old Jeffrey Monroe were rear-ended on I-70 near In Indianapolis before dawn on Sunday. Orrego-Savala, who was captured shortly after fleeing the scene blew a .15 on a breathalyzer.

Several folks responded to my blog post on this matter yesterday by suggesting somehow that Orrego-Savala was being singled out for outrage because he is an immigrant:

"What makes him worse than any other American drunken piece of scum that decides to get behind the wheel? Does he deserve extra condemnation because he was brown?"   - Jon Duarte

Another wrote:

"Whats the difference? People are killed every day by drunk drivers who are legal Americans too." - Robert McAuliffe

I'm not sure that I understand the confusion here. Drunk driving death resulting and leaving the scene of an accident where people are hurt are very serious crimes indeed. Add to it that the alleged offender violated federal immigration laws three times and had been deported twice previously and it rises to a whole new level.

Orrego-Savara should not have been in Indiana on Sunday.  He should not even have been in the country on Sunday. Had Orrego-Savala not been in the country on Sunday there is a very good chance that Jackson and Monroe would be alive right now.

The fact that Orrego-Savala was able to breach our security on three occasions is troubling and makes a solid case for a wall and tougher border security.

Editor's Note: Barry Richard is the afternoon host on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from Noon-3 p,m. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.


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