Obama, Biden Knew Trump Was Setup for Collusion [OPINION]
The declassified documents released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence earlier this week show beyond a doubt that former President Barack Obama, former Vice President Joe Biden, former DNI James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former FBI Director James Comey all knew that the Hillary Clinton campaign was financing a bogus report as a setup of illegal collusion between Donald Trump, his campaign staff and the Russian government, which pointed to high treason.
It is no longer "right-wing conspiracy." Conjecture has turned to proof, something that President Trump has known all along but tried to spare the major players from probable prosecution. No matter which side of the aisle you are on, this is not good for our nation.
It is sickening that then-President Obama used his powers to assist in weaponizing the intelligence community to lie and attempt to frame the incoming administration from the opposing political party of treasonous collaboration with an adversary nation.
We all now realize why the bizarre, unprecedented reaction to Clinton losing on November 8, 2016, swept the Democratic supporters across the nation. There was sheer panic by people like Hillary, who has shown an uncanny ability to remain composed in stressful, terrible situations.
It explains the lashing out and petty, childish anger from former CIA Director Brennan, who Trump stripped of any further classified information in the agency.
It also allows for an understanding of the strange decision by Comey, the "not very political" former FBI director, to write a very politically damning book about President Trump after he fired Comey.
Comey's legacy is so awful that the FISA court released an extremely rare statement to the press that they would not ever again be able to trust the information found in FBI warrant applications without supplemental evidence.
This puts our country at risk of attack as the FBI – when not using its resources for character assassination and persecution of Americans working for Trump – could be gathering intelligence of a horrible plot to kill Americans. The much-needed warrants could see a lot of pushback by the court, costing valuable time for counteraction.
After the "catastrophic" loss on November 8, 2016, Comey, Brennan and Clapper then had between November 9 and January 20, 2017, to piece together some kind of plausible case against President-Elect Donald Trump.
What they had prior wouldn't hold up in any court and when the president-elect requested to see just why they did what they did, they knew it would all fall upon them without "real" probable cause.
Working on the presumption Clinton would win, they horribly miscalculated the outcome and had to bolster the illegal, treasonous lies they promulgated to the FISA court for warrants for the persecution of people like Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, General Michael Flynn and others.
I give Comey a bit of credit, he did order a re-opening of the Clinton email issue just days before the election. To me, it might have been the most clever "CYA" move of all time.
Other documents are coming. President Trump has ordered their declassification to help Americans understand just what was done to a duly-elected President of the United States.
I believe this is due to the president's understandable concern that the world may have never known, had he not declassified these documents before November 3, when he could potentially be a lame duck and find great resistance in the bureaucracies to release such damning evidence.
We do know Joe Biden was sitting in on these meetings. We do know he knew. He knew, but it did not prevent the former vice president from intentionally lying to the American people.
His running mate Kamala Harris is no stranger to these tactics. She absolutely knew she was lying when she attempted to destroy Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his family during his Supreme Court nomination. That too was a conspiracy used against the confirmation of Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS. One of the women formerly used as an accuser has admitted as much.
The secret is out. The American left is at war with America's foundation itself.
I am implicating the Campaign to Elect Hillary Clinton for President in 2016, Democratic Party leadership, the Obama Administration's intelligence community chiefs, the president, vice president, Department of Justice leadership in 2016 as conspiring to commit treason.
Outside of the document shown above, I also believe enough information leaked to the mainstream media such as CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times and others so as they are likely co-conspirators to treason.
Ken Pittman is the host of The Ken Pittman Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. Contact him at ken.pittman@townsquaremedia.com. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.