New Bedford Hosts Groundbreaking UFO-UAP Journalist Leslie Kean Tonight
NEW BEDFORD (WBSM) — Tonight, the national conversation regarding UFOs comes to New Bedford with the person who has been breaking all the big news on the topic.
Investigative journalist Leslie Kean, who has been reporting on unexplained things in the skies for more than 20 years, is the special guest for tonight’s edition of the New Bedford Science Café.
The topic is “UFOs and Government Acknowledgment: The Phenomenon Is Real.”
The event will take place from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at The Last Round Bar & Grille, located at 908 Purchase Street. The event is free, and free parking is available behind the building.
Recently, UFOs – now more commonly referred to as unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAP – have been making headlines because of a whistleblower, 14-year Air Force veteran David Grusch, who has come forward and said not only has the U.S. military recovered craft that is not of this world, but that some of those craft had beings inside.
Kean and co-author Ralph Blumenthal broke the Grusch story back on June 5.
In fact, all of the discussion about UAP in recent years can be traced back to a New York Times article Kean co-authored back in 2017 that revealed the Department of Defense had been running a secret program investigating the phenomena called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP.
Kean is also the author of UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record, written in 2010. She was also the companion of the late Budd Hopkins, founder of the Intruders Foundation, which examined cases of reported UFO abduction.