Have the P.C. Police gone too far?  I couldn't believe the news that the city of Cranston, Rhode Island has banned father daughter dances.  Also banned mother, son baseball games!  According to the story in the Los Angeles Times, a complaint was made to the ACLU by a single mom who said her daughter was prevented from attending a father-daughter dance in the Cranston Public School District.

Last night this was the lead story on Boston's Fox 25 news, they were in Cranston and they interviewed the woman who organized the dance, she said that it wasn't even called a father-daughter dance it was called, you and your guy dance. Knowing that these day's that the family dynamic has changed, they hoped that girls would bring a "father figure" to the dance.

I understand that nobody wants to be left out, but this is going a little too far, remember just one person complained and the school department bent to the ACLU.  So not only are the father daughter dances banned but the city also banned mother, son baseball games.  This begs the next question, what's next?

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