Remember the last time Bill and Hillary Clinton caught a commercial flight from Washington to New York? No, me neither.

We, along with everyone else, speculated yesterday that Hillary Clinton is up to something. Most likely, she is coming out of the woods to test the waters for yet another run for the presidency. Ya think? Oh yeah.

Bill and Hill were spotted hobnobbing with we deplorables at Reagan International on Sunday before boarding a Delta flight to JFK. It's a trip the Clintons have made often, but usually on a private plane. Don't want to spend too much time with the folks.

Remember when Hillary rode a subway before losing to Donald Trump in the 2016 election?

Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Campaigns In New York City
Getty Images

That was a hoot. Why do these people, who firmly believe they are far superior to us, want to walk among us when they are candidates to try and show us that they are just like us? They are not, and we all know it.

So why would the Clintons decide to catch a commercial flight on Sunday rather than take a private jet? Are they destitute? I don't think so. I hear public speaking pays well.

Are they jonesing to be among us? Not likely. Ewww.

Are they trying to get our attention? Bingo! But why? The only possible conclusion is that Hillary will soon be dispensing "I'm With Her" bumper stickers again.

Hillary Clinton Signs Copies Of Her New Book "What Happened" In NYC
Getty Images

Oh, my God, I have had enough of the Clintons--but please, let her run again!

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