In light of the recent local elections in Massachusetts, I have put together a few resources for potential candidates. Electioneering is a science and a skill.
It takes guts and a strong ego to run for a locally elected position in government. Lots of people complain, but they don't challenge the power structure.
America is a free country and money is inseparable from freedom. Americans can give zero or all they have to a political cause according to their beliefs.
The candidates running for local office in New Bedford have a month to find enough votes to win. There is little time, but there are enough votes left to win.
The voters of Fall River overwhelmingly rejected Mayor Jasiel Correia II at the ballot box. He now has an opportunity to go out and maybe come back someday.
The odd political season that has been New Bedford's 2019 city election keeps getting more interesting. What if a non-candidate like Brian Gomes is a winner?
All the tough talk and speculation will be understood for what it was as of Friday afternoon. Nomination papers for city elected offices are due this Friday.