CBS Films Requests to Film Scenes for “Patriots Day” at UMass Dartmouth
A production crew for the upcoming film Patriots Day has submitted a preliminary request to film portions of the movie at UMass Dartmouth. Campus spokesman John Hoey confirms to WBSM News he has received the request from CBS Films.
The movie will feature Mark Wahlberg as a Boston Police Detective during the events of the Boston Marathon Bombing in April of 2013.
Convicted bomber Dzokhar Tsarnaev was a student at UMass Dartmouth during the terrorist attack.
Hoey says the request to shoot scenes on the campus is only preliminary, and if there should be a formal request, a conversation including student leaders would take place to discuss whether CBS Films would be able to film on the campus.
Hoey says it's likely filming would begin after the end of the school year if the campus approves the request.