mark wahlberg

Too Disruptive
Too Disruptive
Too Disruptive
A university attended by one of the Boston Marathon bombers says it won't allow filmmakers to shoot on campus scenes for an upcoming Mark Wahlberg movie about the deadly attack. University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth Acting Chancellor Gerry Kavanaugh said Saturday filming scenes for ``Patriots Day'' there would be too disruptive...
Watertown Says No
Watertown Says No
Watertown Says No
Producers of a Mark Wahlberg movie about the deadly Boston Marathon bombing won't be recreating the police shootout with the Tsarnaev brothers in the neighborhood where it happened. Watertown Town Manager Michael Driscoll says it was decided filming the scene for "Patriots Day" on those streets wouldn't be in the town's best interest...
Filming at UMASS
Filming at UMASS
Filming at UMASS
A production crew for the upcoming film Patriots Day has submitted a preliminary request to film portions of the movie at UMass Dartmouth. Campus spokesman John Hoey confirms to WBSM News he has received the request from CBS Films. The movie will feature Mark Wahlberg as a Boston Police Detective during the events of the Boston Marathon Bombing in April of 2013...
Controversial Filming
Controversial Filming
Controversial Filming
I still look back in amazement at the events that we now refer to as the Boston Marathon Bombing. It all seemed so surreal at the time. I was working in the newsroom when the bombs went off, and we couldn't believe what was unfolding before our eyes...
 Watertown Shootout
Watertown Shootout
Watertown Shootout
(Associated Press)  - Producers of a Mark Wahlberg movie about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing want to recreate the police shootout with the Tsarnaev brothers in the Watertown neighborhood where it happened. Representatives for ``Patriots Day'' sent fliers to residents of Laurel Street this month asking for their cooperation in obtaining permission to film on their street...
Prosecutor Opposes Pardon
Prosecutor Opposes Pardon
Prosecutor Opposes Pardon
The prosecutor who put a teenage Mark Wahlberg behind bars for two brutal assaults doesn't think the reformed Hollywood star should be pardoned for his crimes. Wahlberg has asked the state of Massachusetts to strike his record from the books citing the changes he has made in his life since he was a troubled teen...

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