Why Is the Biden-Harris Team Rejecting Senator Warren? [OPINION]
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren really wants to be part of the executive branch. She has tried multiple avenues to get executive power and failed.
On paper, Sen. Warren should be part of a President Biden administration. She is in her second term in the U.S. Senate. She has a national following in the Democratic Party. She has a support network in the media and the ability to raise campaign money. Prior to being elected to office, she was a major force in consumer finance and debt regulations. She was a professor at Harvard Law School. She was the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts.
So what is the problem with the progressive senator?
To start out, she was passed over by President Barack Obama when he created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Most thought the Harvard professor would become the first head of this brand new agency, but President Obama gave it to an Ohio politician instead. Elizabeth Warren came up with the idea for the bureau and worked to make it a reality, but Obama refused to give her the opportunity to run it for his administration.
After being passed over, she came back to Massachusetts and was elected to the Senate after the Democratic Party cleared out all opposition in the primary and gave her a straight shot at Republican Scott Brown. The nomination by the Democrats was widely considered a consolation prize for being rejected for the top job at the CFPB by the Obama-Biden administration.
After losing the Democratic primary for the presidency, Sen. Warren was considered a strong candidate to be selected for the vice presidential slot on the Biden ticket. She actively campaigned for the position, but Joe Biden rejected her.
She has campaigned for a position in the Biden-Harris Administration, particularly as head of the U.S. Treasury. It appears she will be passed over again.
What is the real problem with Senator Warren?
Chris McCarthy is the host of The Chris McCarthy Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Contact him at chris.mccarthy@townsquaremedia.com and follow him on Twitter @Chris_topher_Mc. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.