The dozens of Democrats running for president have a constituency of one at this point in the race. They all must compete for the negative attention of Trump.

The Democratic Party's primaries and caucus for the 2020 nomination for president will have to share the spotlight with a new contest.

The political world is familiar with the "money primary" that compares the amount of money each political candidate has raised at certain points in the campaign. Then there is the number of trips the candidates make to important states like New Hampshire, Iowa, and South Carolina and how the media interprets those visits.

This cycle will see a new standard for success and it gives President Trump enormous power within the Democratic Party nominating process. The "Trump Twitter Primary" will decide who will become the candidate to face Donald Trump in the general elections in each of the 50 states.

A well-timed insult of a Democrat by the president will catapult that victim to the front of the pack. A nice word about a Democrat by President Trump will throw cold water on that potential opponent.

Being called names by the president is going to be worth more in the Democratic primary than shaking hands in front of the Manchester, New Hampshire post office or visiting a corn farm in Iowa this cycle.

The media reports on Donald Trump's Twitter comments every day and then discusses them and what they may mean. Every morning, Democrats hope they are attacked by Trump so they will be seen favorably by their base voters and by liberal donors. There is money in those Trump tweets for Democrats!

Donald Trump has the ability to select his opponent from the Democratic Party because the base of that party hates him so much. They wear ridiculous hats and march around screaming and yelling over anything that has to do with our duly-elected Commander in Chief. If the president wants them to jump, all he has to say is "sit down."

New York University Professor Mark G. Brennan writing in Chronicles Magazine sums up the left's feelings for the President (while sliding in a Trotsky reference): "Trump has become a red-hot poker, guaranteed to evoke spasms of anger from all those who hate him, a subset of the larger population known as Prius Fans," he wrote.

Those spasming leftists will be voting and donating (and some will be rioting) in reaction to the red-hot poker that is President Trump. By properly beating up on an opponent, President Trump can select who the left will elevate as their champion.

Chris McCarthy is the host of The Chris McCarthy Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @Chris_topher_Mc. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.


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