Substance abuse continues to alter the lives of many teenagers and families here on the Southcoast. The scourge of substance abuse knows no boundaries. It can upset families no matter their ethnic background, where they live or their income level. Later this month, St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church of Marion and the Healthy Tri-Town Coalition will begin a series of presentations on substance use by teenagers, and what parents can do about it. The Parents' Series on Adolescent Substance Use begins Thursday, March 15th with a program called: Adolescent Substance Use: Trends and Developmental Risks. Rev. Cathy Harper will join Jim Phillips on Townsquare Sunday to discuss the program on the ongoing efforts to curb substance use among teens in the Tri-Town area.

Townsquare Sunday with Jim Phillips can be heard each Sunday at 6 a.m. on WBSM 1420 and Townsquare Sunday is a weekly public affairs program highlighting non-profits and community organizations in the Greater New Bedford area. 

If you have a public event, festival, or neighborhood activity you want to publicize, submit your information here.

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