The Improbable Questions This Week
In case you missed one or two, here's a list, just for you! This is the full list from 1/23/17 - 1/27/17.
- 1
QUESTION: What is the only continent that is spider free?
ANSWER: Anarctica
- 2
QUESTION: What is the longest amount of time a submarine can stay submerged before surfacing for air?
ANSWER: The British submarine HMS Artful can stay submerged for 25 years
- 3
QUESTION: How many trees does it take for each of us to have enough oxygen to live each year?
ANSWER: 7-8 trees
- 4
QUESTION: What was the name of Cleopatra's and Julius Caesar's child?
ANSWER: Ptolemy. But he was nicknamed Caesarion, "Little Caesar"
- 5
QUESTION: How could you get free admission to the London Zoo during the 18th Century?
ANSWER: Bring a cat or dog to feed the lions