The Improbable Questions This Week
In case you missed one or two, here's a list, just for you! This is the full list from 2/5/18 to 2/9/18.
- 1
QUESTION: 66% of men keep what memento from their childhood?
ANSWER: Baseball glove
- 2
No Question Today
- 3
QUESTION: 11% of people have ruined a pair of underwear doing what?
ANSWER: Riding a roller coaster
- 4
QUESTION: What Barry Manilow song is sung more than any other Barry Manilow song, but not by Barry Manilow?
ANSWER: State Farm jingle "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there!"
- 5
QUESTION: 56% of Americans will stop to pick what up off the ground?
ANSWER: A penny