
Kreskin Can Read Your Mind
Kreskin Can Read Your Mind
Kreskin Can Read Your Mind
What major events will happen in 2018, aside from the El Gordo Blizzard we just went through? A good person to ask is The Amazing Kreskin. who was my special guest on-air! He is one of the world's greatest mentalist who has performed around the world for over 60 years...
[SILVIA] Should Millennials Start Screening for Colon Cancer?
[SILVIA] Should Millennials Start Screening for Colon Cancer?
[SILVIA] Should Millennials Start Screening for Colon Cancer?
There was a study about colon cancer published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. In the article, researcher Rebecca L. Siegel and her team looked into the patterns of people with colon cancer at different ages. Women's Health magazine broke down the new statistic, and it's shocking...
Does Generation Y Really Apply?
Does Generation Y Really Apply?
Does Generation Y Really Apply?
This blog from Elite Daily, Live And Let Live: 10 Ways Gen-Yers Live Differently Than Our Parents, sparks interest in Generation Y, or millennials. A millennial is someone who was born between the early 80s and early 2000s. I fall smack dab in the middle with 1992...