One of the organizers of this weekend's Women's March Southcoast says the event isn't so much a protest, but more of a vocal and visible support group.
FAIRHAVEN — Working with the assistance of the New Bedford Police Department, detectives in Fairhaven have arrested two men for numerous crimes.
The men allegedly broke into the Valero gas station on Huttleston Avenue in early morning hours of September 19th...
All throughout the month of October we have shared stories with you about Breast Cancer. We've seen the football players wear pink cleats and pink gloves, the baseball players had pink bats and many high school and youth teams had pink fundraisers. One...
A new study says adult daughters spend more than twice as much time as sons caring for elderly parents. The study finds that daughters provide an average of more than 12 hours a week caring for their parents, compared to sons' five-and-a-half hours...
We read a survey today that asked Americans to answer the question, "How old it too old?" The "New York Daily News" surveyed men and women about what age they feel is the right age to grow out of certain trends and activities. 38 was voted as the age to no longer live with roommates...
Hair transplants may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to a new discovery.
Researchers say they have been able to grow human hair in the laboratory using tiny cells that fuel its growth. Researchers say the the technique has been used to grow new hair follicles in animals and is now being tested on humans...