
Cape Verdean Parade, Fireworks Highlight First Big Summer Weekend
Cape Verdean Parade, Fireworks Highlight First Big Summer Weekend
Cape Verdean Parade, Fireworks Highlight First Big Summer Weekend
Summer is officially here, and it's time for some of the best-loved traditions in New Bedford to kick off July. The 45th annual Cape Verdean Recognition Parade will be held on Saturday, July 1 at 11:00 a.m. The parade starting point will be Rockdale Avenue and Union Street at Buttonwood Park, and the parade will follow a different route than it has in years past...
Fireworks Funding
Fireworks Funding
Fireworks Funding
NEW BEDFORD- Mayor Jon Mitchell announced that Hawthorn Medical Associates will sponsor the Fourth of July Fireworks Display this year. Kathy Murray of Hawthorn Medical presented a $10,000 check to Mayor Mitchell and City and Tourism Marketing Director Dagny Ashley to fund the Independence Day event...
Go Out With A Bang
Go Out With A Bang
Go Out With A Bang
Let's project into the future. Your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready! So, I have a suggestion for some of you. When you die, there are companies that will turn your ashes into gorgeous, colorful fireworks so you can literally go out with a bang...
Fireworks Barge Fire
Fireworks Barge Fire
Fireworks Barge Fire
PLYMOUTH, Mass. (AP) - A barge being used for a July Fourth fireworks celebration in Massachusetts has exploded and caught fire. Police say a malfunction caused the explosion and fire Monday night during a fireworks show on the waterfront in Plymouth...
Fireworks Crackdown
Fireworks Crackdown
Fireworks Crackdown
Fairhaven Police are strongly enforcing fireworks laws in the town. Sale, possession, and use of fireworks is illegal in Massachusetts, unless conducted by licensed professionals. Sgt. Kevin Kobza tells WBSM News in the wrong hands, fireworks can be extremely dangerous...
Source of Booms
The mystery of New Bedford's loud booms heard Monday night has apparently been solved. New Bedford Police say after several Facebook posts, an investigation into a New Bedford resident was launched. Police say the individual, whose name is not being released, publicly claimed responsibility for Monday night's explosion...

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