Study Finds Fishing Industry Hit Hard by Opioid Deaths
BOSTON — A new report issued Wednesday by the administration of Massachusetts Governor Baker says that those working in the fishing industry are among the hardest hit by opioid overdose deaths.
This new report examines over fifty-five hundred overdose deaths in the Bay Sate. It says that workers in the fishing, construction, farming and forestry are dying of opioid overdoses at a higher rate than those working in any other professions.
The study found that pain is a common factor between those working in those industries. Fisherman and construction workers are subject to a high rate of injuries.
According to the report, opioids are often prescribed for pain management of work-related injuries. It adds that fisherman, as well as construction workers are anxious to return to work do to job insecurity and lack of sick leave. Therefore, many in those professions return to work in while still in pain.