"Never let a serious crisis go to waste."  That's the advice of Chicago Democrat Mayor Rham Emanuel who explains, "It's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

Embattled Massachusetts State Representative Michelle DuBois, D-Brockton borrowed that sage advice from the Rhamster's playbook yesterday, but, by all accounts, it was an epic fail.  DuBois, who received international press coverage this week for warning illegal immigrants on Facebook of what she thought was a looming ICE raid, tried to turn a negative into a positive by first blaming the "alt right" for an "attack" on her and then by posting a re-election, fundraising message to her page, that drew zero donations.  In the dark of night the Pay Pal account disappeared.

Michelle DuBois acted in defiance and remains defiant still.  We are all capable of lapses of judgment but she shows no remorse for her actions and continues to defend them.  DuBois is a textbook case of Trump Derangement Syndrome if ever there was one.

What is also troubling are the number of familiar faces who still appear as "friends" on DuBois' Facebook page.  They include members of our area legislative delegation, including the Speaker Pro-Tempore Of The Massachusetts House of Representatives Patricia Haddad, D-Somerset.    There has yet to be any public condemnation of DuBois for her actions from her party or colleagues and I suspect there never will be.

Representative DuBois took an oath to uphold the laws of the Commonwealth and the Nation and sought to circumvent those laws.  She has shown no remorse for her actions and in fact seems to be proud of what she has done.  For those and other reasons Rep. DuBois owes it to her constituency and the citizens of the Commonwealth to immediately resign.

Editor's Note: Barry Richard is the afternoon host on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from Noon-3pm. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.


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