Three of Six New England States Still Ban Consumer Fireworks
Winter is in the rearview mirror, and Independence Day looms brightly on the horizon. Is everyone ready for summer?
Independence Day, or the Fourth of July, is America's third favorite holiday behind only Christmas and Thanksgiving, according to
How can it miss?
Independence Day is about national pride, family time, cookouts, patriotic music and fireworks. Who doesn't enjoy the Fourth of July?
Many folks along the SouthCoast like to include fireworks in their Fourth of July celebration – consumer fireworks – not just the community-organized events. Some even use them safely and responsibly. Yet in several New England states, possession of fireworks can get you into trouble.
Consumer fireworks are available in licensed stores in states where their sale and use are permitted – or on the black market.
Some New Englanders travel to other nearby states for the holiday for camping, the summer cottage, or visiting relatives and may not be familiar with that state's fireworks laws.
We thought it would be helpful to know which New England states allow consumer fireworks and which do not.
Three New England States permit the possession and use of some consumer fireworks. They are New Hampshire, Maine and Rhode Island.
New Hampshire and Maine are the "only two states in New England where all fireworks are legal on private property." Individual communities in Maine may prohibit consumer fireworks under state law.
In Rhode Island, the Office of the State Fire Marshall says, "Only ground and hand-held sparkling devices are legal for use by the general public, sixteen years of age and older."
In Vermont, "all fireworks – except sparklers and other novelty smoke devices – are illegal, except for permitted, supervised public displays."
Massachusetts has an all-out ban on consumer fireworks. Fireworks, including sparklers purchased in other states, are not allowed in Massachusetts.
Police will not arrest you for possessing fireworks in Massachusetts, but if caught, they will confiscate the fireworks and you will likely be fined.
Connecticut permits the possession and use of sparklers and fountains. All other fireworks are banned.
New Hampshire and Maine have among the highest fireworks-related injury rates in the nation.