Mr. Carl Robidoux stood at the front of his eighth grade history class one day and said something that would stick with me for the rest of my life. "Luck is just the perfect combination of opportunity and preparation." This statement addresses the fact that there are certain people in this world who seem to have all the luck, when they actually have common qualities which help them succeed in the long run. We talked about these traits after finding this article, "21 Reasons Why Some People Get So Lucky in Life."The article talks about working hard and surrounding yourself with positivity. Having a clear purpose and keeping that goal in mind when things don't go as planned is key to finding success. I loved reading these traits, as most of them pertain to my own life.

I consider myself to be a lucky person. I have been blessed with many wonderful gifts and opportunities in my life, but my father and Mr. Robidoux taught me to make the most of them. I am grateful to be where I am right now and I look forward to what the future holds.

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