Fairhaven residents testified for nearly two hours Tuesday at a Planning Board hearing on amending the town's wind turbine by-law.


The amendments would put greater limits on power output and height of new turbines, and increase the minimum distance between turbines and homes. Several residents living near the town's two existing turbines also testified. Mill Road resident Zachary Aubut was among many residents who asked the board for even longer setbacks than what's proposed.

The amended by-law would not affect the existing wind turbines.

Board Chairman Wayne Hayward tells WBSM News, the new by-law would be among the most restrictive in the State, and is something that can be further amended in the future.

Hayward adds that if the amended turbine by-law fails at Spring Town Meeting, the town would have to wait two years before voting on it again.

The Planning Board will continue to take public comment on the amendment until February 25th.

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