Dog, Puppies Seized in New Bedford Animal Abuse Case Uninjured
NEW BEDFORD — The dog and three puppies seized by New Bedford Police following a viral video of a man beating them with a metal pipe are uninjured and in the care of the Animal Rescue League of Boston.
New Bedford Police posted a picture of the adult female dog to Facebook on Thursday night.
“We received this photo from the Boston Animal Rescue League this evening. We are pleased that the adult female dog involved in today’s animal cruelty is reported to be doing well and physically uninjured. The Animal Rescue League tells us that her puppies are also doing well,” New Bedford Police said in the Facebook post.
Police say units responded at approximately 5:02 p.m. Thursday to an address in the City's West End after reports of cruelty to a dog. Animal Control and Police took one adult dog and three puppies from the home.
When police arrived, an individual at the address stated that she had arrived after seeing the video on Facebook and had driven there in order to confront the suspect, identified as 41-year-old Michael Martinez. The individual stated she had parked in front of the driveway in order to prevent Martinez from leaving.
Police also say the individual who recorded the video has not been identified. That individual was not the person who shared the video with police and has not come forward to police.
New Bedford Police ask that the individual who recorded the video, and anyone who may have further information on this case, contact the NBPD Detective Division at 508-991-6300.
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