Elaine Vercellone is currently teaching an eight-week course on hospital clowning to six volunteer students at New Bedford's Smile Factory Clown Art School.
Two New Bedford programs are making a real connection with area residents: the New Bedford Human Rights Commission and the Face-to-Face Mediation Program.
NorthStar Learning Center in New Bedford is 50 years old this year. It is celebrating with a new building under construction and a fundraiser event on May 31.
New Bedford's newest and most eclectic shop, Treasure Hill Thrift Emporium on Tarkiln Hill Road, offers up a book swap option for those with little money.
New Bedford's former Clark Point Creamery is being reimagined by its new ownership group which includes City Councilor and Silmo Syrups head Ian Abreu.
For years, New Englanders have made the connection that Ollie's Bargain Outlet is somehow related to Building #19. What's the truth of that connection?