Dartmouth Driver Travels to New Bedford With Cat Hidden in Engine Compartment
A Dartmouth cat went on the ride of its life when it took an unexpected trip to Cumberland Farms on Ashley Boulevard in New Bedford before it was found.
The cat was only trying to get warm, and the Town of Dartmouth Animal Control is taking this opportunity to remind drivers that animals will be seeking warmth in unconventional places.
Dartmouth Animal Control shared the story Monday of a cat that was in the engine compartment of a vehicle, and this car wasn’t just parked.
“(The vehicle) had traveled from the area of Sturgis Drive in Dartmouth, all the way to the Cumberland Farms on Ashely Boulevard,” the department wrote.
Unbeknownst to the driver, they traveled roughly eight miles with a scaredy-cat sitting in their engine compartment.
Dartmouth Animal Control reported that the cat was removed from its “hiding spot” at Cumberland Farms in New Bedford.
“Very remote chance that (the cat) jumped in while outside of Cumberland Farms, however, it’s more likely that it stowed away in Dartmouth,” the department wrote.
The cat was also found with a collar on, leading animal control to believe there is a family in Dartmouth missing their pet.
As strange as it may seem, it is not uncommon to find cats or wild animals in vehicles during the winter months as they seek warmth wherever they can find it.
Dartmouth Animal Control suggests giving the hood of your car a good bang to scare any potential animal out of the car.
Does this hitchhiker look familiar? Contact Dartmouth Animal Control for information on this cat.