Baby Monkey Born at Buttonwood Park Zoo [VIDEO]
NEW BEDFORD - The Buttonwood Park Zoo’s Goeldi’s monkey family is now a little bigger. Mom, Ava who is 6 years-old, gave birth to a new baby on February 23. The baby joins mom and dad, 14 year-old Nick, as well as three other offspring: Santana, 2 ½, Bowie 2, and Rain 20 months. This is the first time a Goeldi's monkey has been born at Buttonwood Park Zoo. The Goeldi’s monkey is a small, South American New World primate; they are found in the upper Amazon basin region of Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, and Colombia.
The family arrived at the Buttonwood Park Zoo in July 2017 from the Brookfield Zoo in Illinois and live in the Peru habitat of Rainforests, Rivers & Reefs; however, the family has been moved behind the scenes for a period of time to allow for the Zoo’s animal and veterinary staff to better monitor the family unit. According to animal care staff, the baby is doing great and dad, Nick is beginning to assist Ava with caring for their newborn. In the coming weeks the Goeldi’s siblings will begin helping with the care of the newest member of the family.
The gestation period for female Goeldi’s monkey lasts for approximately 150 days with the mother carrying a single baby per pregnancy. Zoo Director, Keith Lovett says, “This first time birth of a Goeldi’s monkey at the Buttonwood Park Zoo demonstrates the dedication and commitment on the part of the Zoo to work with threatened and endangered wildlife around the world.”
The Buttonwood Park Zoo is part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Plan (SSP) for this vulnerable South American monkey. The goal of the SSP is to cooperatively manage the species populations within AZA accredited zoos to ensure the sustainability of a healthy and genetically diverse population.
Lovett shared the baby monkey is a boy and that the Zoo will invite the public to help name the newest member of the family in the coming weeks.
-Buttonwood Park Zoo