A Beautiful Lawn Doesn’t Just Happen
It's 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Do you know where your lawn fertilizer is?
Well, if you do what Celeste and I have done, you won't need to worry about the yard looking nice and green because that's Seascape Lawn Care's job, and they love what they do.
The sun is rising earlier every day and with the warmer temperatures here, it's time to decide whether you're going to horse around with that four-step program and not really get the right results, or call the local experts who transformed our lawn, Seascape Lawn Care.
Before Seascape, our front yard looked like it belonged in Phoenix, Arizona. It was dry and unhealthy looking and it took away from the cozy home we live in. If you're dissatisfied with how your lawn looks, or with your current company that never got your lawn looking quite right last year, Seascape is who you want to call.
I know the owners of this wonderful company and I will assure you that Dr. Jim and his professional staff will take care of your lawn the same way your primary physician takes care of your health. For a limited time, new customers who sign up for a season-long fertilization program will get 50 percent off their application. Seascape also provides plant health care, mosquito and tick control, complete tree services and outdoor landscape lighting.
Celeste and I give Seascape the highest recommendation, and so do the Providence Journal readers, who've voted Seascape the top lawn care company.
Call 1-800-294-LAWN for a free, no obligation lawn analysis and price quote or check them out at SeascapeInc.com. I believe the only way to get your grass to look greener would be to plant AstroTurf.
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