
Does Trouble with Plant Seeds Mean More Government Interference?
Does Trouble with Plant Seeds Mean More Government Interference?
Does Trouble with Plant Seeds Mean More Government Interference?
They have names like Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Blue Morning Glory and Sleepy Grass. According to police, students have been ingesting these plant seeds to hallucinate, get high. They're dropping legal seeds like acid. In fact, according to the cops, the seeds contain two of the chemical compounds in LSD, the L and the S...
Obama Pushes Equal Pay
Obama Pushes Equal Pay
Obama Pushes Equal Pay
President Obama says equal pay for equal work should be a fundamental principle of the American economy. Marking Equal Pay Day, Obama said an ongoing wage gap in the U.S. must be closed. He noted that the gap is even wider for women of color...
Alliegro Announces Candidacy
Alliegro Announces Candidacy
Alliegro Announces Candidacy
Mark Alliegro has announced his candidacy for the 9th Congressional District in Massachusetts. The Republican addressed a variety of issues during an appearance on "The Taylor Cormier Show" Friday, including the ongoing fight between fishermen and NOAA...
Forum On Gun Violence
Forum On Gun Violence
Forum On Gun Violence
President Obama is pushing his case for a more aggressive response to gun violence. In a CNN town hall meeting at George Mason University, Obama insisted that he fully supports constitutional rights on gun ownership. He noted that gun sales have gone way up since he took office...
New Gun Rules
New Gun Rules
New Gun Rules
President Obama is going to tighten the nation's gun rules within the next few weeks.   Several reports say the President will meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday to finalize new executive actions that will be announced the following week. ...
Group Urges Action On Wind
Group Urges Action On Wind
Group Urges Action On Wind
A group called Environment Massachusetts is beating the drum for the development of offshore wind power. The group held a news conference in Fall River on Thursday, saying wind power is a healthy alternative to coal fired power plants, and has widespread public support...
House Opposes Refugee Plan
House Opposes Refugee Plan
House Opposes Refugee Plan
(Associated Press) - The House has rebuked President Barack Obama by ignoring his veto threat and approving a Republican bill erecting fresh barriers for Syrian and Iraqi refugees trying to enter the United States. Thursday's passage came on a 289-137 vote _ exceeding the two-thirds majority that would be needed to override a veto...
Tribute To Oregon Victims
Tribute To Oregon Victims
Tribute To Oregon Victims
President Obama is ordering flags to be flown at half-staff in honor of the nine people killed in the shooting at an Oregon community college. American flags will be lowered at the White House and all public buildings and military installations across the country through Tuesday...
Congress Out Of Touch
Congress Out Of Touch
Congress Out Of Touch
Most Americans feel Congress is out of touch with average Americans. A new Gallup poll shows nearly 80-percent of Americans feel that way. Nearly 70-percent believe lawmakers in Congress are more focused on the needs of special interests rather than serving the people they represent...

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