Where Should MLK’s Memorial Go in Boston?
I'm sadly surprised that Boston doesn't have a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. Just think about Dr. King's connections to Boston. He studied theology and earned his doctorate at Boston University. He preached in Roxbury and area churches and met a New England Conservatory of Music student, Coretta Scott, who he ended up marrying. Dr. King led a march from the Carter Playground to the State House, where he addressed the Massachusetts Legislature.
There's no doubt, MLK's ties with Boston are strong. Last year, Paul English, a successful Boston tech entrepreneur best known for his Kayak.com, seeded a project that will create the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Boston. It would attract millions of people. While other parties are endorsing the idea, that could cost upwards of $5 million, one of the toughest questions keeps coming up: Where is a good location for a memorial like this?
It's been a few days since Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This question has been on my mind all week. Do you have any suggestions?