What’s New? – Sister Rose House
In my 'What's New?' blog, New Bedford's newest "house" is one that's truly out-of-the-ordinary! New Bedford has grappled with the complexity of homelessness. Up until now, we have only provided an overnight shelter for the homeless, but that's about to change!
Coming soon to the community is Catholic Social Services' new Sister Rose House, in early February. It's a newly renovated shelter that will better serve the city homeless. Named for local Sister Rosellen Gallogly, RSM, in honor of her selfless service to those seeking a safe haven, the Sister Rose House will give refuge to male and female guests, and as important, offer specialized on-site support services, including a soup kitchen and an education center for job-training programs. This is absolutely key in helping inspire someone to get out of the cycle they're in.
This new addition to our community, located in the former St. Hedwig's Church on Division St., is an opportunity to help local homeless people along the path to self-sufficiency.