What Science Is the New COVID Rules Based On? [OPINION]
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker says his outdoor mask-wearing mandate will be relaxed somewhat beginning this Friday. Oh goody! But don't forget to ask, "May I?" before you expose your nose in public.
The Baker Administration says, "Face coverings will only be required outside in public when it is not possible to socially distance, and when required by sector-specific guidance."
"Sector-specific guidance?" Where are we, Alpha Centauri, aboard the Jupiter II? "Danger Will Robinson, you have wandered beyond the approved sector. You must wait for guidance!" Good lord.
On May 10, large venues can boost attendance from 12 percent to 25 percent. Not 26 percent or 27 percent. Six Flags can reopen at 50 percent capacity, and singing will be allowed once again indoors. Plans for the above must be submitted and meet with the approval of the Department of Public Health. Remember, no plan, no singing indoors.
Under the new rules, you can eat with nine of your closest relatives instead of the current limit of six occupants per table. The 90-minute rule still applies, however. Also, on May 29, 200 people will be allowed to gather indoors and 250 outdoors. I hope they bring their own beer!
Who comes up with this craziness? Is this steeped in science? Is there a textbook? Keep in mind, Governor Baker reserves the right to suspend your right to do any of these things should he see fit.
By the way, Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that you no longer need to wear a mask outside at all as long as you've been COVID-proofed. I think Biden's rule supersedes Baker's rule when it comes to masks, don't you?
If these people weren't so funny this whole thing would be truly tragic.
Barry Richard is the host of The Barry Richard Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from noon to 3 p.m. Contact him at barry@wbsm.com and follow him on Twitter @BarryJRichard58. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.