Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has all but declared her intention to seek the Democrat presidential nomination in 2020, but is Warren listening to the folks back home or only to her rather enlarged ego?

Warren dumped the disastrous results of her DNA test in September, proving that she is no more an Indian than I am, to get it out of the way prior to the start of the campaign, You know, giving her the chance to say she'd already addressed the issue. In doing so, she weakened her standing with some minority and women voters.

Even the liberal Boston Globe last fall suggested Warren should think twice about running for president:

“Running for president is hard. Deciding not to run? That can be even harder," the papers's editorial board wrote. "Warren missed her moment in 2016, and there’s reason to be skeptical of her prospective candidacy in 2020. While Warren won reelection, her margin of victory in November suggests there’s a ceiling on her popularity; Republican governor Charlie Baker garnered more votes than her in a state that is supposed to be a Democratic haven."

According to a recent Suffolk University Political Research Center/Boston Globe poll, 58 percent of likely Massachusetts voters don’t want Warren to run for president while a WBUR poll in October shows that 63 percent of likely voters think she should sit it out.

You have to have a pretty big ego to think that you and you alone can solve the world's problems. But when your constituents and your hometown newspaper suggest you take a pass, perhaps you ought to listen to them.

Barry Richard is the host of The Barry Richard Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from noon to 3 p.m. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @BarryJRichard58. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author. 

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