[Thomas] Coehlo Believes Police Chief is Best Harbormaster Choice
At least one New Bedford City Councilor believes Police Chief Joseph Cordeiro is the best qualified to be the next Harbormaster. That's tough to for many listeners to swallow. Most people vehemently disagree. Still Councilor Debora Coehlo chimes many city residents that may be qualified for certain positions, don't apply, because the ducketts are usually better in the private sector.
I think Coehlo may be correct. However, everybody knows New Bedford has a long standing residency law, a law yours truly disagrees with. Everyone says Councilors blindly skirt the residency law. So would it be ok if we try this approach:
The Mayor needs his department heads to actively seek out qualified city residents. Market city jobs like they're the State of The City address. If/when city residents do not apply for these fantabulous openings, that routinely pop up like bread in a toaster, we all concede there's a lack of interest. Then ancient officials and residents will have to realize the residency law is as antiquated as the factory buildings holding the city up.
Editor’s Note: Brian Thomas is the host of Brian’s Beat on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from 10am-Noon and Saturdays from 6am-9am. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
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