The Carnage of Dark-Skinned Kids Is Being Ignored [OPNION]
Black-on-Black violence is raging out of control in places like Chicago where innocent Black babies are being slaughtered. But at least we got rid of that offensive syrup and knocked over the statue of General Ulysses S. Grant.
March on, crusaders, but don't look up or you might come face-to-face with 20-month-old Sincere Gaston, who was shot dead by a stray bullet in broad daylight in Chicago on Saturday as she rode in her car seat alongside her mother.
Don't open your eyes or they might lock onto the beautiful dark eyes of 10-year-old Lena Maria Nunez as she takes a stray bullet to the head in her family's second-floor Chicago apartment on Saturday night. Shattered glass from the shooting also wounded Lena's eight-year-old cousin, according to media reports.
Hours later, another stray bullet struck another beautiful eight-year-old Black child in the head as she played in her apartment. She survived and is in fair condition.
A 17-year-old Chicago boy was also shot and killed on Saturday. Police say he became involved in a fight while in a "large crowd." His identification and the details of the fight were not immediately available.
The past week was among the most violent in Chicago since at least 2012, according to the Chicago Tribune. The paper says some 106 people were shot, 14 of them died. And the Trib says the trend is worsening: "Through last Sunday, the city saw a jump of more than 25 percent in the number of homicides, reaching 295, which is 60 more than the same period a year ago," the publication wrote. "Ninety-six of those occurred during a 28-day stretch that covered most of June, the statistics show."
A significant amount of the violence is Black on Black and receives little in the way of attention from the media or Black Lives Matter activists.
But at least we got Uncle Ben off the damn rice box.
Barry Richard is the host of The Barry Richard Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from noon to 3 p.m. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @BarryJRichard58. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.