taylor cormier

Phil Unappreciation Day
Phil Unappreciation Day
Phil Unappreciation Day
Last week, we sang Phil's praises for National Employee Appreciation Day. How does Phil pay us back? He up and leaves for Florida without telling anybody! Taylor has been working at the radio station for over 8 years. Not once has Phil ever asked him to join in New Bedford Day fun down in Ft...
UMassD and 'Patriots Day'
UMassD and 'Patriots Day'
UMassD and 'Patriots Day'
CBS Films reached out to UMass Dartmouth to film a few scenes for their upcoming movie Patriots Day, which will detail the events leading up to and following the Boston Marathon Bombing. Taylor thinks it has it's positives, but others aren't warm to the idea of reliving one of the scariest times at the school...
Alliegro Announces Candidacy
Alliegro Announces Candidacy
Alliegro Announces Candidacy
Mark Alliegro has announced his candidacy for the 9th Congressional District in Massachusetts. The Republican addressed a variety of issues during an appearance on "The Taylor Cormier Show" Friday, including the ongoing fight between fishermen and NOAA...
State Universities and Drug Testing
State Universities and Drug Testing
State Universities and Drug Testing
As we learned this weekend, opioid use and addiction isn't just on the streets of the Southcoast, it's in our dorm rooms as well. Maybe it's time we begin drug testing students and prospective students of our local universities? No, I don't think it's feasible or realistic to drug test every single student...
Carlos Felix Comments
Carlos Felix Comments
Carlos Felix Comments
According to The Standard Times, Carlos P. Felix could face charges for disturbing a school assembly at the Pulaski Elementary School earlier this month. Police spokesman, Detective Capt. Steven Vicente, said he will "be summonsed to New Bedford District Court, where a clerk magistrate will determine if there is probable cause to bring a charge...
Jarrid Tansey Update [VIDEO]
Jarrid Tansey Update [VIDEO]
Jarrid Tansey Update [VIDEO]
It was one year ago this week that one of the most talked about local stories took place. The famed "Pizza Delivery Guy vs Used Car Dealer" video went viral after Jarrid Tansey was stiffed out of a tip he thought he earned, and was then berated by the staff of F&R Auto in Westport. ...
Taylor Talks Voter Turnout
Taylor Talks Voter Turnout
Taylor Talks Voter Turnout
Edited transcript: Really, New Bedford? A 7.9% voter turnout? Really? After all we've been through this year. Cape Wind takes a dive. The casino cashes in it's chips. And The Olympics takes dead last. But this is all you can muster? 7...
What's Gender-Neutral?
What's Gender-Neutral?
What's Gender-Neutral?
I'm not afraid to say it. I don't get it. Straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender. I get all of those. While I don't necessarily agree with some of them, it's clear to me that it's one gender or the other. So what on Earth is gender-neutral...

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