
Freetown Food Pantry Wants Your Prom Dresses
Freetown Food Pantry Wants Your Prom Dresses
Freetown Food Pantry Wants Your Prom Dresses
Imagine being a junior or senior in high school. You're over the moon because you've been asked to the prom by your dream date. You're excited for 10 minutes, until you realize the financial demands of this high school rite of passage. Prom dresses are expensive these days, even before inflation has put so many things out of reach for working people...
Quinn on Prom Season
Quinn on Prom Season
Quinn on Prom Season
Limos are being booked and tuxedos are being rented as prom season falls upon the Southcoast. Over the next few weeks, high schoolers will take to the dance floors and afterparties, celebrating their accomplishments. Bristol County District Attorney Tom Quinn warns teens to stay away from substance abuse during their celebrations, as they could have damaging effects short term and long term... Rea

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