
Low Voter Turnout
Low Voter Turnout
Low Voter Turnout
With very few contested races to speak of, voter turnout across the Southcoast was dismal. In New Bedford, only 3.1% of the electorate made it to the polls - less than half the amount of last year's historic low turnout of 7.9% in the city's primary election...
Trump Wins Indiana
Trump Wins Indiana
Trump Wins Indiana
WASHINGTON (AP) _ Donald Trump will collect at least 45 delegates for his victory in Indiana, putting him on a solid path to clinch the nomination and avoid a contested convention. There are still 12 delegates left to be allocated. Trump needs to win just 43 percent of the remaining delegates to capture the nomination by the end of the primaries on June 7...
Location, Location, Location!
Location, Location, Location!
Location, Location, Location!
I don't know who picked the spot for President Bill Clinton's visit to New Bedford, but what the heck were they thinking?! President Clinton visited the Whaling City today, stumping for his wife, Hillary. The visit wasn't officially confirmed until Monday evening, with city officials saying the former president would be at the Buttonwood Park Warming House around noon on Super Tuesday...
Voting in New Bedford
Voting in New Bedford
Voting in New Bedford
Massachusetts voters head to the polls Tuesday to vote in the presidential primary. New Bedford election officials are busy testing ballot machines and taking absentee votes. Election Commissioner Maria Tomasia says absentee voting will be available until 12pm on Monday, and no later...
Sanders Coming to MA
Sanders Coming to MA
Sanders Coming to MA
AMHERST, Mass. (AP) _ Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is planning a campaign stop in Massachusetts. The Vermont senator will hold a rally on Monday at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Sanders campaign officials say he plans to discuss a range of issues, including eliminating big money from politics, combating climate change and making college affordable...

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