The U.S. House of Representatives today passed H.R. 200, reauthorizing the Magnuson-Stevens Act but implementing better local control for commercial fishing.
New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell testified before a Congressional subcommittee Tuesday in Washington, DC that Congress should consider amending the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, while the statute is under consideration for reauthorization.
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has been wobbly at best in her position on protecting the interests of the fishing industry that is so vital to the New Bedford economy.
In the waning days of his administration President Barrack Obama designated some 5-thousand square miles off the Atlantic coast as The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument...
The present unchecked fishing management system has gone wild. It's carried away to the point where our fishing industry cannot sustain itself based on junk science, questionable assessments and government profiteering. Just recently, Joseph Laplante of the U...
Our local fishermen have been working for 10 years under a fishing grounds rebuilding plan that is arbitrary and without any support or foundation in good science. There are so many conflicts with it.
On Wednesday, the spotlight is on the fishermen paying for monitors that could likely put the fishermen out of business...
Debate on the reauthorization of the nation's commercial fishing law, the Magnuson Stevens Act is about a year away, and Mayor Jon Mitchell says he's working with industry leaders and members of Congress to make the changes the industry says it needs.
A new organization, committed to finding ways to help solve the crisis in New England's Commercial Fishing Industry, is about ready to begin its work.
The principals behind the Center for Sustainable Fsheries plan a formal "launch" later this month...
New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell and Congressman William Keating heard from members of the Mayor's Task Force on Oceans and Fisheries, during a forum Monday at the Whaling Museum.
Mayor Mitchell says the industry has spent the last few years reacting to actions by federal regulators.
A Fishing Roundtable in New Bedford on Wednesday, with fishermen discussing issues with Senators Elizabeth Warren, William "Mo" Cowan, and Congressman Bill Keating.
The concerns centered around how the catch allocations planned for May 1 will devestate the industry, the need for reasonable changes in the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and better science to help government regulators make their d