The City of New Bedford is being recognized by the White House for promoting physical activity and healthy eating.
According to a press release, New Bedford is one of 58 communities to earn "Gold Medal Status" in five key areas, including working with daycare centers to boost nutrition and physical activity, and encouraging public school students to walk or ride their bikes to school...
The City of New Bedford continues to do all it can to promote bicycle usage in the city.
Thanks to a $20,000 grant from a regional planning agency, SERPEDD, the city has purchased 163 new bike racks. They're being placed at parks, beaches and schools...
Students, parents and educators are walking or biking to school today in New Bedford. It's the annual International Walk or Bike to School Day.
Mass in Motion New Bedford coordinator Kim Ferreira says at least a dozen schools in New Bedford are taking part...
Mass in Motion New Bedford's financial future is secure for at least another three years.
The motivational healthy lifestyle program has been awarded another round of funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, which will provide $50,000 a year to the program for three years...
The new Healthy Markets Initiative launched on Monday afternoon in New Bedford. Mass in Motion Coordinator Kim Ferreira joined Mayor Jon Mitchell at the Butcher Shop on Dartmouth St. for a news conference about the program.
Ferreira says neighborhood markets offering healthy foods will be a step towards improving healthy habits in the city...