cell phones

[PALEOLOGOS] Why Cell Phone Holders Make Sense
[PALEOLOGOS] Why Cell Phone Holders Make Sense
[PALEOLOGOS] Why Cell Phone Holders Make Sense
I finally had a V-8 moment and realized that we're prisoners to our phones, that's why they're called cell phones, "K"? I can't imagine life without a Smartphone. It plays music, brings me news, personal messages, Facebook, the Internet and emails...
Hold The Phone....Or Not
Hold The Phone....Or Not
Hold The Phone....Or Not
As it stands right now in Massachusetts, you cannot text while driving. That was made illegal in 2010. The law specifically said drivers over 18 years old could still make and take calls on their phones, as long as "1 hand remains on the steering wheel at all times...
Hands Free Bill Up For Debate
Hands Free Bill Up For Debate
Hands Free Bill Up For Debate
January 21st is the day when the Mass. Senate will debate a bill that will require Bay State drivers to use hands free devices while driving. The bill, filed by Senator Mark Montigny of New Bedford, bans the use of any hand-held electronic devices, including cell phones while operating a motor vehicle...
Stop On Red Week
Stop On Red Week
Stop On Red Week
This week is Stop On Red week, designated by the National Coalition for Safer Roads. I know, designated weeks for this ailment or to prevent that bad behavior happen so frequently, we can't remember one week  or the other.  But certainly, Stop on Red is a message just about everyone can relate to...
Cell Phone Decision
Cell Phone Decision
Cell Phone Decision
The U.S. Supreme Court is striking a blow for privacy rights. The high court ruled 9-0 today that police must obtain warrants before searching suspects' cellphones. Civil libertarians successfully argued that the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution covered cellphones in insuring the right of individuals to be "secure in their persons, houses, papers or effects...
Do You Still Have A Landline? Why?
Do You Still Have A Landline? Why?
Do You Still Have A Landline? Why?
We were talking the other day about landlines. I still have one but I never use it. In fact, I would get rid of it but I've been told my bill would go UP! Fox and Consumer Reports recently did a survey. They polled 44,000 Americans and it gives us some insight into why people keep their home landlines: 53% "I have always had a phone line ... Read More ...

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